Dust Yourself Off for Spring!
Unmounted Classes
Making Contact
Communicating with your horse.
Sunday 14th April, 13.30 - 16.30
Letham Village Hall,
Letham, Fife KY15 7RS
Letham Village Hall,
Letham, Fife KY15 7RS
An afternoon workshop in collaboration with The Springfield Saddler exploring and discussing how we can improve communication with our horses.
About The Springfield Saddler
Jen Roy is a highly skilled, award winning saddler and bridlemaker with 25 years experience and a passion for correct bridle fit which she believes is as important to a horse’s welfare as all other aspects of horse management. She is a lifelong horse owner and rider with a keen interest in horse behaviour, training and our Social License to Operate in the horse industry. Combining these areas in her own business as The Springfield Saddler, she offers a comprehensive service to her customers ensuring their horses have the best fitting bridles and the most comfortable bit for whatever discipline they are working in. Jen is a Society of Master Saddlers Master Saddler, Bridlemaker and Harness Maker, an SMS Registered Qualified Bridle Fitter and a LANTRA Accredited Bit & Bridle Fitting Consultant with Horse Bit Fit. She is also a lecturer and assessor for the SMS Bridle Fitting course.
About the Workshop
Part 1. What is a horse? Which senses are most important to them & how do they perceive the world?
What are their priorities?
Which senses are most important to us & how do WE perceive the world? What are our priorities?
How do we communicate our requirements to the horse?
Part 2. Focusing in on the horse’s head, our hands and the physical lines of communication created by the bridle, bit, noseband & reins.
Numbers are limited, book early to avoid disappointment.
£30, payment by BACS or PayPal.