Teaching Empathic Horsemanship Based On
Equitation Science & Classical Principles.
Equitation Science & Classical Principles.

I am based 16 miles north of Glasgow, Scotland, and I'm available throughout Central Scotland as a freelance riding and horsemanship coach, working with you and your own horse at your premises. My teaching is based on the revolutionary Centered Riding® techniques pioneered by American Sally Swift; the emphasis is on developing self awareness and on helping riders to understand 'how' to do 'what' other instructors ask them to do.
'Rider Biomechanics' have recently become buzzwords, but in fact Centered Riding has been teaching this for years and its founder Sally Swift was very far sighted in her approach.
She firmly believed that, in order to ride well, a rider should have an understanding and awareness of their own body and its interface with the body and movement of the horse.
From this bedrock I have developed my interest in the effect of emotion and mental wellness on the physical body.
I think it's crucial to give horses and riders a chance to think, to feel changes and understand them, without using gadgets such as rein tension gauges which I believe detract from developing a true connection with the horse.
Through developing awareness of their own body the rider gains the ability to recognise and be aware of the horse's physical and emotional wellbeing and to embark on a journey towards partnership.
Can I help you?
I am passionate about helping riders and horse owners enjoy their time with their horses, building understanding, confidence and skills by developing awareness, mindfulness and knowledge.
If you are looking for an approach which is sympathetic to the horse while encouraging you to take responsibility for your own part in developing a happy partnership I can help.
I provide exercises on and off the horse which enhance self awareness, reduce unnecessary tension and help riders develop physical and emotional resilience. I will give you simple, easily remembered and effective techniques and exercises to take away and use whenever you ride or work with your horse.
Centered Riding® instructors have specialised training in anatomy, biomechanics and self awareness techniques; Centered Riding allows teaching to be sensitive to each rider’s aspirations, abilities, confidence and level of experience.
Centered Riding® techniques are based on classical principles and can be applied across all equestrian disciplines; lessons give riders tools to use during schooling, competition or training in their particular speciality. Everyone can benefit, from leisure riders to serious competitors.
Click here to find out more.
I combine this training with sound knowledge of the principles of good training and learning, and a science based understanding of horse behaviour and learning to offer an empathic approach to your horsemanship.
Centered Riding® or Empathic Horsemanship lessons are £40 per hour for individuals
or £30 per person for a shared lesson plus travel.
'Rider Biomechanics' have recently become buzzwords, but in fact Centered Riding has been teaching this for years and its founder Sally Swift was very far sighted in her approach.
She firmly believed that, in order to ride well, a rider should have an understanding and awareness of their own body and its interface with the body and movement of the horse.
From this bedrock I have developed my interest in the effect of emotion and mental wellness on the physical body.
I think it's crucial to give horses and riders a chance to think, to feel changes and understand them, without using gadgets such as rein tension gauges which I believe detract from developing a true connection with the horse.
Through developing awareness of their own body the rider gains the ability to recognise and be aware of the horse's physical and emotional wellbeing and to embark on a journey towards partnership.
Can I help you?
I am passionate about helping riders and horse owners enjoy their time with their horses, building understanding, confidence and skills by developing awareness, mindfulness and knowledge.
If you are looking for an approach which is sympathetic to the horse while encouraging you to take responsibility for your own part in developing a happy partnership I can help.
I provide exercises on and off the horse which enhance self awareness, reduce unnecessary tension and help riders develop physical and emotional resilience. I will give you simple, easily remembered and effective techniques and exercises to take away and use whenever you ride or work with your horse.
Centered Riding® instructors have specialised training in anatomy, biomechanics and self awareness techniques; Centered Riding allows teaching to be sensitive to each rider’s aspirations, abilities, confidence and level of experience.
Centered Riding® techniques are based on classical principles and can be applied across all equestrian disciplines; lessons give riders tools to use during schooling, competition or training in their particular speciality. Everyone can benefit, from leisure riders to serious competitors.
Click here to find out more.
I combine this training with sound knowledge of the principles of good training and learning, and a science based understanding of horse behaviour and learning to offer an empathic approach to your horsemanship.
Centered Riding® or Empathic Horsemanship lessons are £40 per hour for individuals
or £30 per person for a shared lesson plus travel.