What Riders Say.............
Jan: I have worked with Anne for several years, and she has very ably supported me from novice to confident rider. Throughout this time, Anne has been a very kind and considerate coach. The thing that stands out for me, is how Anne works with my horse and I as a team, always considering the needs of both. I have benefitted from understanding how seemingly subtle postural changes can transform my riding, and how to ‘read’ and understand how my horse is responding and why. Anne has a well trained eye and is able to quickly evaluate the rider and highlight what might be of benefit without being critical. During the time that I have worked with Anne, she has given me great confidence and much improved my awareness of how my riding influences the horse’s performance. I really appreciate her sensitive approach to horses and horse training. I would fully recommend her to anyone who is genuinely seeking to understand their own role in how a horse is performing, and who wishes to work with their horse in a fair and equal partnership.
BL: I have loved horses for as long as I can remember and as a younger adult was a brave and confident rider. A few years ago, I lost my riding confidence, to the point where I was considering giving up riding completely.
A horsey friend recommended that I join her in taking lessons with Anne. She offered me her lovely mare to ride and promised me that Anne would work with me at my pace. I was incredibly nervous but I really did not want to give up riding, it has been part of my life for so long, so I agreed – thinking I would try just one lesson and see how I got on. Anne was amazing. She was so kind, so gentle and understanding. For much of our first session we simply stood beside the horse, working on my breathing, helping me to calm my whole self down to the point where I was able to mount and walk around the arena. That was a real triumph for me. Anne did not push, she was very willing to listen to me, to reassure me and to work quietly with the mare to make sure that she was comfortable and happy. We had a series of follow up lessons, each generating a little more progress to the point where I felt I was actually riding again. In the summer of that year, another friend offered me the opportunity to buy one of her lovely Connemaras, a little mare called Bella. Anne continued to work with me and with Bella, teaching me techniques to manage my own anxiety, helping me to quieten my pony and face whatever scary things we might meet. Over the last two and half years Bella and I have enjoyed so much happy riding, including a riding holiday in the Borders and a season of endurance riding – all thanks to Anne. Anne is excellent not just for nervous riders who need to rebuild their confidence but also for competent riders who would like to improve their technique and their horse’s way of going. Tiny changes in position can make huge changes to the way the horse moves, helping to build better balance and improve performance. I would recommend Anne to anyone, regardless of age, stage or ability. She is an intelligent and intuitive instructor who can get the absolute best out of horse and rider to ensure that both are happy, safe and enjoy the riding experience. |
PH: Anne is a real confidence giver, to both horse and rider. She has a great deal of knowledge to tap into, gained from both her academic studies and her years of experience of riding, observing and keeping horses. She was equally at home helping me get ready to ride high level dressage stallions as well as helping me at home with my own stiffer and older horse. The horse always comes first with Anne and that is extremely important to me. Her knowledge of body work means her tweaks to my position in the saddle were highly effective. She also gave me ways of using my body more intuitively to help the horse. And to keep me as a rider fit and well! Highly recommended.
LS: I had lessons with Anne regularly over a few years. This was invaluable to me. My beautiful mare Zara was very pressure sensitive and quite expressive at times! Anne helped me work out where I was carrying tension that translated into pressure for Zara. Once I found a deeper level of relaxation, Zara was able to relax and we stopped bracing against each other. We went from doing a wall of death round the arena to soft, easy transitions - when I remembered to breathe! We managed to achieve riding with a neck rope - Zara really enjoyed having that level of communication and I was thrilled! Anne also took lots of time to help me work on my asymmetry and posture. Anne has a beautiful way of helping you explore what's happening in your own body and in your relationship with your horse. The positive impact of this is amazing and I would highly recommend spending time with Anne. PM: Your lessons are transformational. Thank you. Lucile Bump, Centered Riding Level IV Senior Clinician: Anne is a very capable rider; her teaching is sensitive and knowledgeable. Sue Leffler, Centered Riding Level IV Senior Clinician: Anne demonstrates a good understanding of Classical training both in her riding and teaching. She is a gifted teacher, able to explain both the how and why of needed changes. |